Headquarters General Fund

Give where most needed today. Read the director’s letter below to learn more.


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Where Most Needed…

Cheerful Giving.

We are Christopher and Beth Matthews. We serve in missions, and I am the General Director of Liebenzell USA. Like many of you, we enjoy being cheerful givers. At times, our name/address winds up in the hands of other nonprofit organizations that appeal for funds. Many are for worthy causes or needy projects in faraway places. Yet, we have noticed an uptick in requests for operational or general «where most needed» funding.

What does «where most needed» mean?

Typically, it could mean covering operations expenses, which outpace the small administrative fees assessed on donations. We know the leaders of a half dozen agencies and occasionally discuss the tricky topic of administrative costs. Usually, admin fees cover expenses such as utilities, insurance, office rent, materials to support the missionaries, office staff salaries, and so on. All agencies have these expenses, yet how are they covered? The answer is usually not to raise the missionary administration fee (a hardship for the workers) or the Retreat Ministries guest fees (preventing church groups from inner-city locations from affording retreats).

Does location make a difference?

In the case of Liebenzell USA, the headquarters are in New Jersey, which has higher taxes, minimum wages, and insurance rates than some states. We notice many mission agencies have left the northeastern United States and moved to the southeast or to the south central USA for lower taxes, sometimes less expensive or volunteer office staff, and to be closer to an area with multiple Bible-believing churches with a heart for missions.

Liebenzell USA’s presence locally and globally.

Liebenzell USA is nested on 150 acres of woods, ponds, fields, and hiking trails. The Retreat Ministries has a capacity for almost 300 guests and serves churches across New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Every month, people hear the Gospel on our campus, and a steady number receive Christ. During the warmer months, many are baptized in the pool.

Our missionary family has grown in the past five years to 54 workers serving in 12 countries around the world. Recent additions include Gospel ministry in Guatemala, Costa Rica, the Philippines, and other parts of Asia. Eight veteran missionaries serve as co-directors to shepherd the growing missionary family.

What is Liebenzell USA’s situation?

Spiritually, things are going well, and we genuinely thank God for all these blessings. To be transparent, steady inflation, rising insurance premiums, and occasional retreat group cancellations have caused a shortfall. We need some extra help to cover operational expenses this summer.

What about cost savings measures?

We have already implemented cost-saving measures such as minimal staffing, part-time schedules, and renegotiating vendor contracts. The good news is that Liebenzell USA is up to date with all payments to vendors and service providers. However, increasing food, utilities, and insurance costs, combined with drained reserves due to the pandemic, have challenged the mission to trust God more than ever.

Hudson Taylor

Our founder, Hudson Taylor, boldly stated that «God’s work, done God’s way, will never lack God’s supply». We firmly believe this principle of trusting God to supply still applies today.

Would you join us for  July, August and September?

Join us in asking our Heavenly Father to provide $150,000.

Liebenzell USA needs $150,000 to cover the months of July, August, and September, a period with additional expenses. Join us in asking our Heavenly Father to provide; we know He can do it.

Where Needed Most Progress: $19,744/150,000 (Updated 2024-08-26)


Join us in giving where most needed.

Beth and I give in this way to Liebenzell USA and other agencies. If we all band together as brothers and sisters in cheerful giving, we can make a difference and see the Lord provide.

Donate towards the $150,000

Updated 2024-08-26