About Taeko
Beginning in 1981 (while a college student), I have been ministering to the Japanese (Christians and non-believers) living in the USA by teaching Bible studies to adults and Good News Clubs for children. These studies are either one-on-one or in group settings. When my American friends introduce me to people who are not interested in Christianity, I begin by visiting them to develop friendships first; then, as God leads, I give them tracts.
Whether in the USA or Japan, I often visit struggling Christians who need encouragement or support. Since 2002, God has opened new ministry doors for me in Japan, burdening me with helping Christians there with their spiritual growth. I have conducted Bible study groups in various cities using the Inductive study method. I travel to Japan once or twice every year for a couple of months at a time. My ministry includes Good News Clubs, conducting teacher training classes, and preaching. I reach out to the unsaved and help in any way, whether in the local church or community.
Updated: 2024-04-01