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Our Programs

Our courses are facilitated by professors based in both the U.S. and overseas, making learning dynamic, diverse, and engaging.

Rev. Mike Branch, BA

Mike graduated from Columbia International University (formerly Columbia Bible College) with a BA in Bible. Since then, he has served on the mission field in multiple roles around the world, including in Japan, Russia, and Bangladesh, with many other short-term trips in between. He has also served as the associate Pastor of a growing church in Columbia, SC, and today he is the Global Ministries Director for Liebenzell USA. Mike has extensive experience in teaching, preaching, evangelism, and in administration.

His professional experience includes over 20 years in the medical field, first as a Paramedic for a local 911 system, then in the emergency room as a paramedic tech, and later in data and administration in the hospital’s Quality Department.

Voltaire Cacal, CGS

In 2001, Voltaire left a lucrative career in telecom to serve as the English Pastor for a Chinese church and Missions Pastor for a Filipino church, and worked with several churches who minister with different ethnic groups from North America, South America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Currently, he serves as Vice-Chair of the Ethnic America Network, and Chairman of the Board for Be One Together; and is the Assistant Dean of Students (Advisor to Men) & Director of International Student at Dallas Theological Seminary. Voltaire has a heart for intercultural, multiethnic, and cross-generational growth among and between local churches here in the U.S. and worldwide.

Rev. Adam Jacobs, MDiv, PhD in process

Adam was born in the heart of Missouri, but he grew up in Oklahoma City. During his sophomore year of college at Oklahoma State University, a local college minister visited his fraternity house and shared the gospel with him using the “bridge” diagram. The Lord opened his eyes to the truth of the gospel and his need for a savior and Adam became a Christian. Shortly thereafter, Adam strongly desired to minister in the local church.

Upon graduating college, he moved to Denton, Texas to pursue a pastoral internship program, where he met his wife Aly. Adam and Aly got married in 2013 and spent five years in Louisville Kentucky, where Adam finished the Master of Divinity degree and began the Doctorate of Philosophy in Systematic Theology while Aly taught Spanish and continued her studies in Education. Currently, Adam is inching closer to writing his dissertation and is hoping to contribute to conversations in Christology and Trinitarian theology.

Adam has served as the teaching pastor at Emmanuel Bible Chapel since September of 2018, just around the corner from Liebenzell USA. His passion in ministry is preaching and teaching the Scriptures, as well as discipling others in the local church to do the work of the ministry.

Young Kim, PhD

Dr. Young Kim has a dual background in both physical and spiritual development. He received his PhD in Civil Engineering from Princeton University, and now teaches upper level and graduate Mechanical Engineering and International Development courses at John Brown University. At the same time, he serves as pastor for the Open Door Korean Baptist Church in Arkansas; and serves as Director for the Institute for Biblical Community Development. In the latter role, he has gained firsthand experience in indigenous development by visiting more than 15 countries for research, training and consulting; raising funding for international development; and by developing a 75-acre training center for water resource development, health care, organic farming, renewable energy, basis construction, and more.

Rev. Christopher Matthews, MA, DMin

Professor Matthews serves as General Director of Liebenzell USA, as well as Director of the Sevilla Theological Seminary in southern Spain, where he also serves as a professor. Since 1998, he has served as a missionary based in Sevilla, Spain, and has preached in the U.S., Western and Eastern Europe, Africa, Central America, the Caribbean, South America, etc. Professor Matthews received his Doctor of Ministry degree in Missions/Cross-Cultural Studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He and his wife are from North Carolina, and have four children and nine grandchildren.

Rev. Bill Schuit

Upon graduation from The King’s College, Bill followed a path of Christian secondary education both as a teacher and administrator. This led to him serving with Liebenzell USA in the Republic of Palau and in Papua New Guinea. Upon returning from the mission field, Bill served as a pastor and with Liebenzell USA as the Global Ministries Director. After 42 years of full-time ministry, Bill retired from active ministry in July 2022.

Rev. Daniel Sick, MA, PhD in process

Daniel Sick is a former Liebenzell missionary and pastor with more than 25 years of ministry experience. He has lived in four different countries with his wife and five children, ministering in German, English, and Spanish. With the ability to penetrate deeply into the cultures where he has lived, Daniel has developed an awareness and sensitivity for cross-cultural communication and leadership. Daniel holds a MA in Ministry Leadership and is currently working on a Ph.D. in Ministry Leadership through Lancaster Bible College. In addition, Daniel aspires to use his skills as a Certified Intercultural Coach to help people find purpose and passion for the way God has designed each person to be.

Rev. Steve Stinnette, MMin

Steve has been a missionary involved in evangelism and discipleship ministries in the islands of Micronesia in the western Pacific since 1979, at first with CRU, and now with Liebenzell USA. He has just recently returned from Micronesia where he served as a Missions Mobilizer and Leadership Development Coordinator for the churches. He will continue in this capacity by serving the Micronesian churches in the States. He has also served as a faculty, staff, and board member for Pacific Islands University in Guam. Steve received his BS from Radford University and has an MMin. from Trinity Seminary. He and his wife Anne have been married for 46 years, have two children, three grandchildren of their own, and several “adopted” children and grandchildren.

Ronnie Spicer, MDiv

Ronnie grew up in a Catholic home until about the age of 14 when his parents began bringing him to a Protestant, gospel-preaching church. It was through this church’s regular preaching of the word and its other ministries that Ronnie eventually was saved by the Lord. A few years later, towards the end of high school, Ronnie sensed a call to pastoral ministry and thus decided to pursue his undergraduate degree in Bible and Pastoral Ministry at Cairn University. It was here that Ronnie really started grasping the grace of the gospel and began appreciating the history and doctrine of the Reformed tradition.

After college, Ronnie met his wonderful wife, Megan. They got married in April of 2017. They have three wonderful boys, Augustine, Bennett, and Callum! Ronnie counts it one of his greatest privileges and responsibilities to nurture and edify his wife and children in the Lord.

Ronnie received his B.S. from Cairn University in December of 2014 and his M.Div. from Southern Seminary in May of 2022. He is the Youth and Family Director at Emmanuel Bible Church just across the street from Liebenzell Mission (Schooley’s Mountain).

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