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To learn more about these designated projects and to see funding progress see ⏬ Current Needs below.
Current Needs
The outdoor pool is open to the community and available for group retreats, baptisms, and pool parties. After many years of use, the liner completely wore out. The cost for repairs and materials totals $29,000. Through the support of generous donors, our staff finished repairs, and all that lacks is a cover for protecting the pool in the off-season.
$4,000 Remaining Need
God has been so faithful over the past 81 years. Our vision is to upgrade our technology with new computers to replace out-of-date systems. To effectively manage Liebenzell USA, current technology is essential, and we need computers that will be able to run Windows 11. Contribute towards 12 new computers at $1,250 each $15,000 for all 12.
$9,500 Remaining Need
"Depend on it: God's work, done in God's way, will never lack God's supply."
— Dr. James Hudson Taylor
Our History
Who was Hudson Taylor?
James Hudson Taylor has been referred to as one of the most significant missionaries to visit China in the 19th century. After founding the China Inland Mission (now OMF International), Taylor spent 51 years in China, where the mission cared for the blind, set up hospitals, schools and orphanages. He was one of the few missionaries of his day who adapted to the culture of the people he ministered to, wearing native Chinese clothing and preaching in several different dialects of Chinese.
But few realize that he also initiated a German branch of the mission. Today, that branch is known as Liebenzell Mission, and it supports missionaries in 22 countries around the world.
Looking to the future
Liebenzell USA has been blessed to be in missions for over 80 years. Our future work will not be possible without supporters like you. With your help, Liebenzell USA can continue the legacy of missionary and pioneer James Hudson Taylor. Your financial gift – a single contribution or monthly giving – is needed.
Will you join us?
Thank you for your support.