Chris & Beth Matthews

Chris and Beth Matthews have served as missionaries in Spain for fifteen years under other missionary agencies in the areas of sharing the Gospel, discipling believers, training new leaders, and sending out Spaniards as missionaries.

The Matthews have been with Liebenzell USA Mission since 2020 and travel to Spain regularly to teach at the Sevilla Theological Seminary. They also lecture and assist in biblical training centers in the Caribbean, across Mexico, and in Central and South America

Chris is ordained to Gospel ministry and holds advanced degrees in Spanish language, Cross-cultural Communications, and Missions/Intercultural Studies from the University of North Carolina, Wheaton College Graduate School, and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Beth is a licensed clinical mental health practitioner and completed degrees in Religious Studies, Counseling Psychology and Professional Counseling from the University of North Carolina, Wheaton College Graduate School, and Liberty University. The Matthews are faith-based missionaries, looking to the Lord to supply for their needs through the generosity of His people.

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Matthew’s Newsletters

October - November 2022

Mexico Missions Conference, Liebenzell USA MissionFest 2022, Giving Tuesday

July - September 2022

Black Forest international meetings in Germany, Four weeks of service all over Zambia, Teaching for two weeks at the Liebenzell University in the Black Forest

March - June 2022

Making people ready at DTS and RGBS, Putting several new interns into circulation in Spain, Welcoming new missionaries ready for service through Liebenzell USA,