Silvia Kevezdova

Silvia Kevezdova first went to Malawi in September 2017, through Liebenzell Mission, Hungary. She is originally from Slovakia. After two years of language and culture training, she started to work at the Malo A. Mcherezo Orphan Care Center in Mdeka. The center was established ten years ago and Silvia was lent out to them by Liebenzell Mission in Malawi, because they do not yet have a ministry to vulnerable children. Silvia’s responsibilities have been teaching Bible stories and songs in the preschool, keeping in touch with the sponsor parents of the children and leading the English club for a small primary level group.

Silvia recently moved to the Ubwenzi – Friendship Project of the Liebenzell Mission to Chilonga, because of the COVID19 Pandemic. It was a helpful opportunity for Silvia to continue learning Chichewa in a village setting. It was where she originally started her language and culture studies. A lot of development and changes have taken place and Silvia observes that the blessing of God has been on the ministry in a special way. Silvia is grateful for the language helper that she is assigned to and simply being able to chat with staff members in Chichewa – their local language and ask them different questions about culture.

Silvia is also very thankful for other missionary families and the Malawian staff members who are working there. They encourage and help her a lot. It is a blessing being part of a fellowship.


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